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He is a lawyer graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of the Republic of Uruguay in 2000. He was advisor to the Ministers Mariano Arana and Carlos Colacce, both the Ministry of Housing, Territorial Planning and Environment, in the periods 2005 to 2008 and 2008 to 2010, respectively.

He has been a member of the drafting group of the Territorial Organization Law and of the Uruguayan Delegation in Negotiations on the Environment of MERCOSUR (Subgroup N ° 6 and Meeting of Ministers of the Environment).

Since March 1, 2010 he was appointed to the position of General Director of the Presidency of the Republic and is also a member of the Directory of the Electronic Government Agency Information and Knowledge Society (AGESIC) and chairman of the Committee of Directors of the Spatial Data Infrastructure (IDE).

Diego Pastorín

General Director of the Presidency of Uruguay