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He pursues a multidisciplinary approach to understanding the role of information, communication and knowledge in human development, be it from a social, economic, psychological or political perspective. He is particularly interested in role of the data revolution in complex social systems. he shares the gained insights through publications and hands-on technical assistance (mainly in developing countries). He hold doctorates in Communication, and in Economics and Social Sciences and a faculty position at the University of California.
His academic research has been published in the world's leading peer-reviewed academic Journals in multidisciplinary science, evolution and ecology, psychology and behavioral economics, international economic development, information science, women and development among others.
He speaks five languages, had published in three of them, travelled to over 70 countries, and accumulated over ten years of research and working experience in four continents. His work has been featured in Scientific American, The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, NPR, BBC, Sueddeutsche, Die Welt, Correio Braziliense, La Repubblica, El Mercurio, El Pais, among others.