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High level panel: Productive transformation and skills in the digital age

This panel will discuss the challenges in adopting and appropriating digital technologies band companies in Latin America and the Caribbean, and the policies that must be developed in order to generate a productive and social transformation in the region, as well as the challenge of promoting digital entrepreneurship.
Presentation: Roberto Viola, Director-General of the Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology of the European Commission
Moderator: Sebastián Cabello, Chief Executive Officer of SmC + Digital Public Affairs
Rodrigo Alejandro Yáñez, Undersecretary of International Economic Relations, Chile
Hebert Paguas, Executive Director, Electronic Government and Information Society Agency, Uruguay
Matías Kulfas, Minister of Productive Development, Argentina
Raúl Echeberría, Executive Director, Latin American Internet Association (ALAI)
Marushka Chocobar, Secretaria de Gobierno Digital, Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros del Perú
Mauricio Agudelo, Senior Specialist, Development Bank of Latin American (CAF)
Oscar Robles, Executive Director, Internet Addresses Registry for Latin America and the Caribbean (LACNIC)
Lisardo Bolaños, Vice-Minister for investment and competitiveness of Guatemala