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High-level panel: Universalizing digital technologies for social inclusion

Access to digital technologies has become a crucial need to perform economic and social activities. However, the pandemic revealed the existing gaps in socio-economic, demographic and age matters that persist in countries of the region. This session will address the main challenges in terms of access and connectivity and the possible policy measures that countries can adopt to reduce these asymmetries.
Presentation: Mischa Dohler, Professor of wireless communications at King's College London
Moderator: Lidia Brito, Director of the UNESCO Regional Office for Science in Latin America and the Caribbean
Minister, Representative of a Caribbean country
Melford Nicholas, Minister of Information, Broadcasting, Telecommunications & Information Technology, Antigua and Barbuda
Pamela Gidi, Vice Minister of Telecommunications, Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications, Chile
Rosa Virginia Nakagawa, Vice Minister of Communications, Perú
Emiliano Calderón Mercado, Coordinator of the National Digital Strategy of Mexico
Lucas Gallito, Director for Latin America, GSM Association of mobile network operators.
Rodrigo de la Parra, Vice-president for Latin America, Internet Corporation for Assing Names and Numbers (ICANN)
Angel Melguizo, Chair, Inter-American Association of Telecommunications Enterprises (ASIET)
Yacine Khelladi, Latin America and Caribbean Coordinator, Alliance for Affordable Internet